Meet our service users and their amazing Journeys in the Diamond Centre!

At Diamond Quality Care, we believe that fostering a familial environment within the workplace is crucial to both professional growth and the delivery of high-quality service. Our team operates more like a family, where support, encouragement and understanding form the foundation of our daily interactions. This supportive atmosphere not only benefits our staff but also enhances the care we provide our clients.

Richard Underwood’s Journey

At 60 years young, Richard has been part of the Diamond family for nearly four years. When he first joined us, he was a man of few words. Today, he’s a social butterfly, chatting with everyone he meets. Richard’s transformation is nothing short of amazing, thanks to his regular sessions in our hydrotherapy pool and gym. But Richard isn’t just about personal growth. He’s a real gem of a client, always ready to lend a helping hand. Recently, he assisted another client, Lucy Gill, with her funding, showcasing the wonderful sense of community we have here at Diamond.

Gavin Hogge’s Inspiring Return

We’re also thrilled to share Gavin Hogge’s story. After a long recovery from a stroke, Gavin is back to work full-time. This is a huge milestone for him, and we couldn’t be prouder. Even as he balances work with ongoing rehab sessions at Diamond, Gavin’s determination and spirit inspire us all. We make sure he has the flexibility he needs to continue his recovery, embodying our commitment to supporting each other through thick and thin.

Cheering on Wutts

Then there’s Wutts, another shining star in our community. He’s been working hard on his transfers with a walking stick, and his progress has been incredible. This means he’ll need less equipment when he goes on holiday, making his trips much more enjoyable. We’re all so proud of Wutts and are cheering him on every step of the way. Celebrating these milestones together makes our bond even stronger.

Join the Diamond Family!

We’re more than just a workplace; we’re a family. We believe in the power of family support to create a nurturing environment where everyone can succeed. For our staff, this means growing professionally and feeling a true sense of belonging. For our clients, it means receiving personalized and compassionate care that addresses their unique needs and promotes their overall well-being. Whether it’s Richard’s newfound confidence, Gavin’s inspiring comeback, or Wutts’ steady progress, our community thrives on encouragement and togetherness. Our close-knit community is the secret behind our success, ensuring that both our team and clients thrive.

We’d love for you to join our Diamond family, where your journey towards health, happiness, and professional growth begins. Follow our social media to see the activities that take place at our centre and pop us a visit anytime!